The cost is a bit more if you mail your photos as opposed to doing everything on-line. For example…Moderate Restoration is $39 on-line as opposed to $65 via the mail. We offer the mail in service as a convenience but it is much more time consuming which is why we have to charge more for photos sent though the mail. There is a 2 – 4 week timeframe for mailed photos. For faster, less expensive service (3-7 days), please scan & upload photo(s). Promo codes can only be used for on-line orders. You can also take your photo(s) to any Staples, Office Max or Office Depot. They will scan in your photo(s) at 600 dpi & email them directly to Just have them put your Full name, Phone # & email in their email to us & we will contact you promptly. CLICK HERE to find the nearest store that will scan in your photo(s).
1.) Print Out this Order Form —————
2.) Fill out the Printed Form (* indicates required information) —————–
3.) Properly package your photo(s), (Please see our Notes On Shipping on our Help page)
4.) Send your package and this completed form to the following address: ——————->
Mailing Address: | Phojoe 5799 S. Main St. #67 Clarkston, Michigan 48347 |
We will contact you promptly once we receive your photo(s).
Please email us —–> if you are having problems

Please provide descriptive instructions regarding your Order/Request.
(i.e. repair torn photograph, remove discoloration, Add Color, repair fading,
remove my ex-husband from photo, Age my son to 21… etc.)