What we need for the most accurate Age Progression / Regression:

- 2-5 of the most recent photos of the Age Progression subject.
- If the subject is 18 or younger, 2-3 recent photos of each parent is extremely helpful. If only 1 parent is available, please include 2-3 photos of that parent.
- If the subject is 18 or younger, 2-3 photos of each parent at around the age we’ll be Progressing to is also extremely helpful .
- If only 1 parent is available, please include 2-3 photos of that parent.
- If Available…2-3 photos of each sibling at around the age we will be Progressing to is also very helpful.
- For Age Regression Only, we will need the youngest photo of the subject if available.
- Basic Description of style… Casual or Dressy…color choices for clothing, hairstyle & color suggestions… (Please try and keep requests basic & to let us know before we begin)
- Basic Description of personality, lifestyle & activities…
- We can Age Progress/Regress from and to Any Age!
- If scanning photos, scan them at 600dpi & Save them as .Jpeg files Please Upload your photo(s) here.
- When Uploading, Please name each photo with the name & age of the subject in the photo…For Example (Dad_age36.jpg)
- If mailing photos, Click Here to print out the Order Form
- Payment Plans are available for our Age Progression/Regression services via Bill Me Later, Email us for Details.
What type of photos are preferred:
- The best type of photos are Professionally taken, Studio or School photos. Also it should be a straight on shot of them looking directly at the camera. If you don’t have professional photos, choose 3-5 that are clear, face forward and show the features in good detail.
- If you do not have exactly what we are looking for, Do Not Despair…We very rarely turn down someone for an Age Progression/Regression because they do not have sufficient photos. We will still be able to provide our services, but it will take us a bit longer and we will have to put more work into the project.
- Your help and assistance in the process is greatly appreciated!
- Why do you need so many photos, isn’t 1 enough?
- We use the photos as reference to compare features and attributes & to provide the most accurate results.
- We use a Unique & Revolutionary process that we have developed and perfected! An artist works on each and every photo, in other words it’s Not an automated computer process, it’s a labor of love. It’s part Art…part Science & part Technology. The result is a Photo Realistic Age Progression/Regression of what your loved one may look like in a best case scenario!
- Any custom requests (hair, clothing etc..) may be subject to additional charges & needs to be done Before we begin.