0-5 Years Old

  • Click “Upload Photos & Checkout” button below to upload photos directly to us.
  • Scan your photos at a resolution of 300-600 dpi and save them as JPG files.
  • If Mailing Photos, Click Here, print the form, fill it out & mail along with photos.
  • All Orders include (4) 4×6 Prints or (2) 5×7 prints or (1) 8×10 print or the High Resolution File.
  • Age Progression starts at $199.
  • You will receive a proof of your photo(s) within 14-31 days.
  • Your photos will be tweaked until you are 100% satisfied.
  • 48 hour Rush Service may be available. Email us for Details.

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We have been featured on CNN, Fox, ABC, New York Times etc…